Effects of Phase Separation
There are three negative effects of phase separation:
1. Damage to petroleum equipment infrastructure
2. Damage to customer vehicles and station brands
3. Out of spec or unsellable fuel
1. Damage to petroleum equipment infrastructure
Phase separation contains a lot of ethanol, some water, and a small amount of gasoline. Letç—´
assume a typical ratio of 75% ethanol, 20% water, and 5% gasoline. This mixture is highly
corrosive compared to pure water or E10 gasoline; there are some concerns that phase separation
may even be more corrosive than 100% ethanol. Some tanks may not be compatible with this
ethanol-rich, corrosive liquid. Depending on the composition of the tank, phase separation
sitting in the tank may slowly deteriorate the integrity of tank walls, increasing the risk of a leak
into the environment.
Beyond the tank, other elements of the storage and delivery system (piping, dispenser,
submersible turbine pump) may also be at risk if the phase separation levels rise to the point
were it is picked up by the pumping system. Each of these can also have environmental and
financial concerns, as their replacement can be expensive and damaging to the environment if
not detected. Ideally, a station owner would want to know about any occurrence of phase
separation as fast as possible, allowing them to quickly remediate to reduce the exposure to
potential deterioration.
2. Damage to customer vehicles and station brands
As mentioned in the example described earlier, a 10,000 gallon tank with 6000 gallons of fuel
that has recently had phase separation is likely to have up to 5 of the separated layer. Typically,
submersible turbine pumps set their intake at around 5?6? This leads to a significant chance
that phase separation will enter the pumping system, travel through the piping, dispensers, and
ultimately into customer vehicles. Phase separation in most vehicles will cause engines to stall,
leaving disabled vehicles at the station. Affected vehicles will require repairs (usually at the
station ownerç—´ expense). Of course, owners of the damaged vehicles are understandably upset,
and typically share bad experiences with their friends and family. Thus, the station suffers a hit
in their brand and customer loyalty. The problem can be much further exasperated if the local
news media pick up the story. In this case, the station may lose significant business that is
difficult to recover, and the fuel marketer takes a considerable hit to their brand.
Remediation of the problem at this point, beyond the damage to customer vehicles and brand,
includes purging the piping system, replacing dispenser filters, and possibly disposing of the
entire tank of fuel, which can easily cost thousands of dollars.
3. Out of spec or unsellable remaining fuel
The octane of pure ethanol is approximately 113, which makes ethanol an octane booster. Most
companies that are blending 87-octane E10 gasoline will blend with pure gasoline that is below
87 octane, because the 10% ethanol will boost the octane level to 87. However, once phase
separation occurs, the remaining fuel is depleted of ethanol, which will lower the octane.
Depending on how much phase separation occurs and how much ethanol is pulled out of the fuel,
the remaining fuel may be out of specification due to a reduced octane level. In this case, even if
the phase separation is removed from the bottom of the tank, the remaining fuel is not legally
Current Detection Methods
Most station owners typically use one or more of the following methods to detect phase
separation, each of which has limitations:
1. Automatic Tank Gauge / Monitor with water detection
2. Water-finding paste
3. Dispenser filters
1. Automatic Tank Gauge with water detection
Figure 1 shows a typical underground storage tank. The center of the tank contains a
magnetostrictive probe, which is a component in an automatic tank gauge (ATG). This probe is
wired to a console, which is typically mounted in the back office of a gas station. Querying the
console allows the user to determine various parameters in the underground tank. In particular,
there are floats for fuel and water that determine the respective levels of each. The water float is
typically tuned for a density that will certainly lift in water but not in other lighter fluids (such as
gasoline or diesel). Note that in this figure, there is water at the bottom of the tank, and the water
float has lifted accordingly. This information is sent to the tank gauge console so that the station
operator can read the height information and react as needed.
Figure 1: Underground storage tank with fuel and water floats
Fuel Float
Water Float
Phase separation has a density range of 800-850 kg/m3 at 15ï½°C, depending on the density of
gasoline, the blend of ethanol in the gasoline, and the ratio of ethanol to water. Water floats are
typically tuned to a density greater than 800 kg/m3. The net effect is that while the water float
will rise in water, it may not rise in a phase separation mixture. This is the fundamental problem
with ATG-based solutions for the measurement of phase separation. While these solutions work
extremely well for the detection of water in various fuels, the addition of ethanol causes the
water to transform to a lower density mixture, which may not always be detected. The station
operator that is counting on the level reading of the water float on their ATG to alarm them of an
issue is effectively blind to a problem if the water float is sitting at the bottom of a tank,
indicating no water when in fact there may be several inches of phase separation in the tank.
One may wonder why the water float is not tuned to a density level between the highest density
of gasoline and the lowest density of phase separation. Each of these density ranges reported in
Ethanol is a hydrophilic compound, which means it naturally attracts water. Therefore when
water enters a tank containing an ethanol blended fuel, the water will eventually be absorbed by
the ethanol. are at a nominal temperature of 15ï½°C. As the temperature rises and falls, the
densities change significantly. It is possible to see a very high density gasoline (say 820 kg/m3)
under extremely cold conditions and very low density phase separation (say 780 kg/m3) under
extremely hot conditions. Under these scenarios, itç—´ impossible to select a single density for the
water float that will always rise in phase separation and will never rise in gasoline.
2. Water-finding Paste
A common method of detecting water in a tank is to apply a special water-finding paste to the
end of a stick and dip the stick into the tank, a process known as 都ticking a tank. A change in
the color of the paste (varies based on paste manufacturer) may indicate the presence of water in
the tank. In recent years, these paste manufacturers have added variations that will detect phase
There are multiple issues with these pastes. The first is that they are difficult to interpret. The
change in color is sometimes subtle, and operators are not always given enough training to
properly interpret the changes of color. Multiple factors may affect the color change, such as the
duration of exposure in the tank, thickness of the applied paste, operator training and the outdoor
conditions (rain, snow, etc.), making the paste-based solutions inconsistent.
Secondly, the paste-based solution is only effective when used regularly. Some companies have
policies where store operators are expected to stick the tank once or twice a week. Even if they
did it at these frequencies (and many stations do not), phase separation can occur any time and
can quickly grow. These stations would have to be extremely lucky to actually stick the tank at
the moment that phase separation formed and before it caused damage to their customers cars
and their business.
3. Dispenser filters
Each gasoline dispenser usually has a disposable filter inside it that filters out unwanted
particulates prior to the fuel reaching the nozzle and customer vehicle. Some of these filters will
also filter out water, by quickly constricting once water is detected. The result is a very slow
flow of fuel out of the nozzle. Therefore, slow flow is a potential indication of water reaching
the dispenser. In recent years, these filter manufacturers have developed more complex filters
that will also constrict with phase separation.
As with water-finding paste, there are multiple issues with dispenser filters. The first is that the
filters do not work instantaneously; in other words, they do not go from a state of åull flow to
渡o flow in zero seconds. Even the quickest of filters take a minute or two to completely close
up. In that time, the filters may still allow some contaminated fuel (i.e. phase separation) to pass
through and enter customer vehicles. While they may reduce the damage, they do not
completely eliminate the potential to get phase separation in a vehicle.
By the time phase separation is detected by a dispenser filter, it has already accumulated in
significant volume, leading to much larger remediation costs. In order for phase separation to
enter the dispenser, it must have gone through the tanks pumping system and piping. That also
means that the tank must contain 5-6 inches of phase separation. To remediate this problem, the
piping must be purged of phase separation and dispenser filters changed. The remaining fuel is
significantly stripped of ethanol and much more likely to be out of spec. And the extended
exposure of phase separation to tanks and piping may accelerate any potential corrosion issues in
the petroleum infrastructure.
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