About a month after my wife and I retired near the end of 2002, I went to the JD dealership and finalized the purchase of my new tractor, and asked them to store it over the winter. When Valentine's Day came around next year, I prepared a fancy dinner for my wife, and after the meal I gave her a really nice gift, something she had really wanted, $800 in all. She asked how I was able to afford such a beautiful gift, being retired and on a set income. I told her than now I had time to budget my money really carefully, and I was hoping to be able to replace my '89 vintage garden tractor. She said, quote: "I do think you need a new one, but it has to be something I can drive..." It was SO HARD to keep the huge grin off my face when she said that...:biggrin:
Well, later in April after I had the tractor delivered and stored in my big barn, we got home from buying new appliances for our home addition, and she remarked "are we doing the right thing, going into such debt right after we retired", and I stupidly said something like "you don't know the half of it" and she asked "DID YOU GO AND BUY A NEW LAWN MOWER ??!!!" And I reminded her, "But you said I needed a new one..." :laughing: And although it's a hydro with PS, she has never wanted to drive it. JUST MY LUCK !!!!
Great story, well told... but do you really want your wife to drive it, depriving you of seat time?:biggrin:
She used to drive my 318, mowing the large areas while I used the pusher and weedeater to trim, but now she doesn't want to have anything to do with lawn care tasks...but I did keep my word, I did buy something she could drive...:smile:
No, she doesn't...the funny thing is though, I had it stored in my barn for three months while she had no idea it was there. Her younger brother told me "I could NEVER get away with hiding something like that" and I told him, "If you don't have the room to hide a big tractor like mine, odds are you don't need one in the first place...." :laughing:
Notice the date, purchased in late 2002, I have always been very good at budgeting and could afford the tractor just fine...otherwise I would not have purchased it.
Notice the date, purchased in late 2002, I have always been very good at budgeting and could afford the tractor just fine...otherwise I would not have purchased it.