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How Does Participating in a Sport Relieve Stresskye




How Does Participating in a Sport Decrease Stress
Whether you choose to do a group sport like baseball or baseball Nike Air Max Australia or a sole sport such as swimming or maybe jogging, physical activity of any type encourages your body's production of neurotransmitters or brain chemicals known as endorphins. are the chemicals responsible for the feeling named "runner's high." A study released in 2008 in the record "Cerebral Cortex" found that elevated levels of endogenous opioids or perhaps endorphins account for the runner's higher feeling due to increased executed with opioid receptors in the limbic and prefrontal elements of your brain the parts responsible for beneficial changes in mood. Anxiety and depression will often be triggered or exacerbated by excessive levels of stress. According to the Mayonnaise Clinic, exercise can decrease mild symptoms of depression and anxiety along with promote improved quality of sleep problems for many people suffering from mental health and fitness disorders. According to an article to the Volunteer Behavioral Health web-site, socialization helps stress relief by promoting the release of the hormone oxytocin, that increases feelings of peace and reduces anxiety. Taking part in a group or team game can provide a powerful medium pertaining to acquiring the stress relieving benefits associated with social contact. By subscribing to a team sport, you may really feel more motivated to exercise routinely. If you've ever remained inactive on an extended period of time, you're informed about that sluggish, apathetic feeling that could quickly turn to feelings connected with self loathing or even depression, which might further exacerbate your stress levels. According to the American Council on Exercising, regular exercise can help increase your feeling of self worth, which can be a powerful process for alleviating stress.

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"I know Jiu Jitsukye -

where relevantkye -




Try having sex with a really attractive female. It'll do all the above in just a few minutes.




If we weren't already stress free we might be offended that you think this forum is uptight.




Try having sex with a really attractive female. It'll do all the above in just a few minutes.

Or give you a heart attack:wink:




Try having sex with a really attractive female. It'll do all the above in just a few minutes.

I second that!




I have tried that and it did not work for me.




If we weren't already stress free we might be offended that you think this forum is uptight.

I seriously doubt many here on the forum are stress free. What SeniorCitizen said about having sex with a really attractive female and It'll do all the above in just a few minutes is essentially correct. Stress and Anxiety go hand in hand and can cause a host of health related problems.




I have tried that and it did not work for me.

Very sorry to hear that.

I seriously doubt many here on the forum are stress free. What SeniorCitizen said about having sex with a really attractive female and It'll do all the above in just a few minutes is essentially correct. Stress and Anxiety go hand in hand and can cause a host of health related problems.

Very true! That includes kidney stones!




Very sorry to hear that.

Very true! That includes kidney stones!

Yeah, Kidney stones, Heart disease and some cancers.




Yeah, Kidney stones, Heart disease and some cancers.

Gotta stay calm! Nothing better than hearing the sound of a mower blade spinning over grass. It relaxes me.




Mowing is relaxation to me. All the sounds, the smell of both cut grass and fuel exhaust, even the smell of the grass on the mower after the job is finished is notable to me. The feel of pulling the recoil and hearing the engine fire up, its power resonating thru the handles. Jeez describing it all kinda sounds weird but it's all true. But I always look forward to mowing, always have. Trying to stress less about all the other things in life, that's an everyday challenge. The mowing helps.




Mowing is relaxation to me. All the sounds, the smell of both cut grass and fuel exhaust, even the smell of the grass on the mower after the job is finished is notable to me. The feel of pulling the recoil and hearing the engine fire up, its power resonating thru the handles. Jeez describing it all kinda sounds weird but it's all true. But I always look forward to mowing, always have. Trying to stress less about all the other things in life, that's an everyday challenge. The mowing helps.

50 shades of Snapper




50 shades of Snapper

Ok lol




Well the way he was decribing it, it seemed like that. lol




Hahaha, ya reading back over it now, I really wasn't trying to sound that weird. Wow. Just meant that mowing is one of my favorite things to do.




Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another days useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and nurses her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from out site
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion




Hahaha, ya reading back over it now, I really wasn't trying to sound that weird. Wow. Just meant that mowing is one of my favorite things to do.

Don't worry! It isn't weird! I also love mowing with nice machines.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another days useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and nurses her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from out site
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

Jim Morrison is back!
