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Honda HRR2162SDA - Carb leaking bad after cleaning




So I cleaned the above mentioned mower's carb and the jet was clogged shut so I gotta it cleaned out and the rest of it. And now the carb is flooding like crazy when I open up the fuel valve. I took it off and checked the float and it appears to be working normally to open and close. It's flooding out between the air cleaner holder. Could there be something else with the float that is the problem? It seems too much to be a bad gasket and it looked fine. I'm going to replace it anyways but this seems like a fuel shut off problem. Any help would be appreciated.





Two things will cause this problem, float needle not seating or float bowl gasket twisted and not seating. At the cost of today's Honda carbs it is much cheaper and easier to replace the carb than to try to rebuild.




Thanks Rivets! I found a new carb locally for $16. Can't go wrong with that.
