Honda HRC216 Commercial


May 14, 2018
Hey everyone,
I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this issue. I purchased a new Honda hrc216 a couple of months ago. I noticed after the first use, I could smell oil burning and I noticed white smoke coming from the muffler. Not very thick either but rather faint, like steam. Didn't think too much of it since I figured the dealer must have spilled oil on it and it was just burning off. Takes less than forty minutes to mow my backyard and I have mowed with 3-4 times and the same thing happens. I recently changed the oil in it thinking it the dealer overfilled it so I made sure to measure out the exact 12 oz. I just finished using and it's still producing the same smoke/burning smell when it's off. The mower runs flawless and doesn't appear to be leaking oil from anywhere. Thanks for any input or advice in advance!