Guys I bought out an old Homelite dealer and have several boxes of Homelite parts, ;et me know if anyone needs a part for older 1996 older trimmers/Hedge trimmers/ chainsaws/generators/pumps.
Guys I bought out an old Homelite dealer and have several boxes of Homelite parts, ;et me know if anyone needs a part for older 1996 older trimmers/Hedge trimmers/ chainsaws/generators/pumps.
I was able to get my parts a repair clinic you shoud try there ,also I needed a cable for my blower and there was shop in town that put new ends on the cable of mine , he had a kit with a lot of different ends the end he put on was a Z end . I have been looking for one of those kits but can't find one.
Hey bigunn, thanks for the reply. So after spending 2 hours searching last night I had an idea last night that I'm going to try. The problem with this particular throttle cable is the "Z" bend connector on the carb end broke off and the cable end has frayed. I am currently in the middle of rebuilding a Ryobi leaf blower that is equipped with a Walbro WT340, but instead of the "Z" bend connector, it uses a swivel kit. This option also gives me the option to adjust the throttle cable tension if needed, and it will only cost about $2.00!
bignutz I used one of those on a homelit backpack blower and it worked good only 2 things I had problems with was the throttle spring kept knocking it off I had to grind a small bevel on the side that goes threw the throttle arm and getting the small c clip on.
Guys I bought out an old Homelite dealer and have several boxes of Homelite parts, ;et me know if anyone needs a part for older 1996 older trimmers/Hedge trimmers/ chainsaws/generators/pumps.
I need a 49" flexible shaft for a homelite line trimmer. The rub is the shaft isn't 1/4", its smaller in diameter. About 7/32 of an inch. I have tried to order using the 'thought to be' correct number and it didn't fit. Think you might have one? The part number I have is 986117001
Being I didn't see any filter retainers on that site just like mine, if I think of it I'll take a picture of my saw's filter retainer tomorrow and post it. I'm just not sure how it works being my saw had no filter.
These 2 parts on the ebay link is what my saw has. There was no filter in my saw. Does the flat aluminum piece go into the cup looking piece first? It just lays in the cup. I see no provision to hold the sponge filter in.
Here's my guess: The flat aluminum piece goes in the back of the air filter box to prevent the air filter from getting sucked up against the carb throat and choking the engine.
The air filter is probably held in place by the top/side cover that you remove to gain access to the air filter.
I've never worked on one of these before, so I may be wrong. :laughing:
Not going to hijack this thread. But how can I find parts that are now obsolete? I have a great little trim saw that was my dads. Gas n oil caps are leaking.
Not going to hijack this thread. But how can I find parts that are now obsolete? I have a great little trim saw that was my dads. Gas n oil caps are leaking.