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Hired Help




What do you pay workers in the Lawn Care Industry? Run a zero turn and operate a string trimmer as well as trim shrubs..




Varies from region to region, and the numbers of illegal immigrants on hand.......




Starting wages for lawn guys up here is $10 an hour. I worked for a place for 5 years started at 9.75 quit at 13.25 when I started I knew nothing when I quit I could operate all machines effectively and efficiently. And could train others to do so to




Start at $9.75-$10.00 after a month to prove themselves we will bump them up. Our guy is at $11.00 now




I guess I am over paying. I pay the guy I have $12 an hour. He runs equipment and is competent to service equipment at the end of the day.
He had never been late for work. I never hear him complain. So far has not torn up anything. I prolly could have hired him cheaper but I know good help is hard to find.




I guess I am over paying. I pay the guy I have $12 an hour. He runs equipment and is competent to service equipment at the end of the day. He had never been late for work. I never hear him complain. So far has not torn up anything. I prolly could have hired him cheaper but I know good help is hard to find.

Sounds fair to me. And with all those qualities you might not find another like him. Most pay scales in my area have a slight range.

$9-$12 per hour for a novice to an experienced operator/ laborer.

$13-$15 per hour for a job supervisor

~$17 per hour for a fertilizer and weed control specialist.

I'm not sure what the mechanics make but I would guess $22+ an hour and probably work part time in the afternoons.




The guy helping me is a fair small motors mechanic as well. He rebuilt the carburetor on my 4 wheeler and does/helps me work on whatever comes along.




The guy helping me is a fair small motors mechanic as well. He rebuilt the carburetor on my 4 wheeler and does/helps me work on whatever comes along.

That's a skill I would like in a helper. Good to be able to fix something in the field rather than come to base and get a new one or wait on me and be out of commision I would pay for that




i work a man on saturdays and pay him 10 an hour .....i have found that this works out to about 20 percent of gross revenue every time
