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High temperature exhaust




I have a 2014 810cc Briggs and Stratton engine that I got used. I got it running but when I started it I noticed that the new left side muffler turned white but not the right. I know that that cylinder is running hot just don't know how to fix it. I've only ran it about 2min before I noticed it and shut it off. Please help I have no idea what the problem could be, this is my first 2 cylinder Briggs engine.





Sounds like intake manifold leak on the hot side.. That will run it so lean it can burn it up.,.

Testing w./ spray bottle w/ water & dash of dish soap. Start up, & spray where the manifold connects to the engine, if engine starts running terrible, you found the leak. If no leak is found.

Remove blower housing & make sure you don't have a nest built up on that side, blocking air cooling.. Good time to clean the engine as well.. .
