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Hidden Items




When you are using a snow blower, or other motorized snow remover, do you worry about their being items hidden in the snow? What damage would stray trash that you didn't know about do to your machine?




I keep my yard pretty clear, so there shouldn't be too much of a risk of it. I know there's a chance of something blowing in, but hey, it's a good reason to use a shovel instead of a machine.




Just chew it up & spit it out! :biggrin: ~~ grnspot110




When you are using a snow blower, or other motorized snow remover, do you worry about their being items hidden in the snow? What damage would stray trash that you didn't know about do to your machine?

Any sensible person makes sure there is nothing for a blower to ingest during the winter, the same goes about keeping things picked up during the mowing season.

One time I did get something caught in my big two stage blower, but it wasn't my fault. The UPS man left a box about the size of a half gallon milk carton by the back door of our house, there was a strong wind and heavy snowfall that day while we were at work, when I got home I was clearing a path from back on the house to the garage with my blower, I saw something dark blow out of the discharge chute and immediately let go of the auger control, the parcel got slightly chewed up but because I was PAYING CLOSE ATTENTION, the $300 worth of TELESCOPE EYEPIECES in the carton were not destroyed. A few more seconds and it would have been quite a loss...thankfully we now have a deck so nothing gets left where it can be damaged. The wind must have blown the parcel off the back door shelf that day.




Wow, it was certainly a good job that you were looking out and paying attention. You'd have been kicking yourself (and maybe the mailman!) if you hadn't seen it as soon as you did!




JD, that's exactly the sort of situation I'm talking about. You do your time, you make sure your yard is clean and clear, and still you get caught out by something that shouldn't be there. It could have been trash or anything blown there.




Try having a cat who likes to bring you gifts. Usually half of a mouse. Or the head of a baby rabbit. I try not to investigate too closely what comes blowing out of the snow blower or the mower.




That has to be the nastiest thought of the day, and is going to take some effort to get out of my head. We have a cat, and there are lots in the neighborhood, but I guess ours doesn't love us enough to bring presents!
