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help plz




ok so i have a gravley hd 60 that i bought for $50 from my work that had a blown motor... so i have a john deere d170 with a broke frame.. so i took the motor off the john deere it is a 22hp b&s the model number is 4077770283 g1.. and before this morning it would start and run and mow... now that i tried to hook the key switch up it over heated the wires and now has no spark..... well the left side has a little and the rite side has none so can some one plz help




Sounds like you have sent 12v to the ignition modules which are now toast. You will need to look at the wiring on the gravely, and modify it to work with the briggs engine.




ok so i have a gravley hd 60 that i bought for $50 from my work that had a blown motor... so i have a john deere d170 with a broke frame.. so i took the motor off the john deere it is a 22hp b&s the model number is 4077770283 g1.. and before this morning it would start and run and mow... now that i tried to hook the key switch up it over heated the wires and now has no spark..... well the left side has a little and the rite side has none so can some one plz help

I'm sure you figured out that you have/had something wired wrong. You evidently had a hot wire going straight to ground. After you tried to hook up the key switch and it overheated what did you do then?

Did you swap the wires around and now you think it is hooked up correctly?
You will need to follow out each wire and check it for burnt places. Do you have a wiring diagram for the Gravley and also for the motor off of the John Deere? You would need to compare the wiring diagrams, and pay particular attention to the colors. Red will not necessarily go to red.
You did not give us what brand the blown motor is.
You have a difficult job in front of you. First, you must repair any damage that was done.
You could do some searches on this board for swapping motors, or a ignition switch and read those threads.
I think there are also some YouTube videos that explain about swapping motors. I watched a good one a month or two back.

Would it be possible to take the ignition switch off of the John Deere mower if it is needed? If it still has the wires connected to it that could be some help and understanding the wiring diagram.




i did nothing just try and start it is there anyway i can fix it




before it over heated and i tried hooking up the key switch i would just jump the starter and it would run all day and mow now very little spark coming from both sides.... i dont really care about the key switch rite now is there anyway i can get my spark back to norm








Ilengine is an expert. I would start where he mentioned and check the ignition modules.

If you do a search on "changing ignition modules on this board, you get...

Lawn World » Search Results




that is the key switch rite




that is the key switch rite

no, it is the part that makes the high voltage that can jump the gap of a spark plug.

lawn mower ignition module | eBay




yeah theres little wires on the bottom of those that if i unhook they have lots of spark and when i hook them back up they have very little




does anyone know why or what i could do to figure this problem out




Are you saying that you have spark with the wires disconnected from the ignition modules. With the factory smoke coming out of the wiring, you could of melted some wires together in the harness and causing a partial ground for the ignition modules,

You may need to open the harness up and check for cooked wires. And figure out what wires go where so you can hook the wires up correctly to the key switch. You may also need to replace the key switch to get the correct internal circuit to get it to work correctly.
