We have an SLXT1054 Rider and we have changed all the belts and pulleys when we started noticing that when we drop the deck and engage the mower to anything low, it bogs down even when you are on concrete. Not sure what is causing it, but when you look under it and drop the deck, it seems like it is on a drastic angle, and not sure if thats what it is suppose to look like, just know it will not perform like it did when we first got it when you drop the deck below like 3-4. And when you drop it lower it sounds as though the motor is more sluggish. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
Sounds like you need to make adjustments to the deck. It should be level. Measure on a level surface. Should be level side to side, front & back with the front a little lower then the back,about 1/4 inch. You can go on line & search for a PDF of your mower. It will show you a manual and how to adjust deck & a lot of other info.