For some of the best lawns I have seen the hedge work is almost like a work of art, but does it really take an artist to make something like that? I would love a split divider type but I am not sure I am that artsy.
I don't think it takes an artist. I think it just takes a good eye, imagination, and hand eye coordination. I have done some really nice hedges and I am not an artist.
Better you guys than me.... I have no time or patience for this type of work. I do admire others hedges when they are styled pretty. I am more of a bush (flowering) type of person.
My ambition is to try some more intricate designs. So far I have only done the most basic of shapes but I would love to do a row of bushes in to a row of different animals.
Designing your bushes can add a really nice look to a yard. The nice thing is that if you don't like it or get board you can just cut it in to something else when it grows back out.
No, I don't think you have to be an artist. You just need an eye for detail, a sharp trimmer, and a lot of patience. Above all else, it helps if you really enjoy doing it.
I wouldn't do any hedgework myself, I'd pay someone to do it for me, if I did it it would become an eyesore and I'd have to cut the hedge all the way back to get rid of the mess. :smile: