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Greetings from NY




Greetings from the suburbs of NYC. I'm quite overwhelmed by the knowledge some of you possess in this community. I live on a postage stamp compared to many of you but I do love my 1/4 acre and it isn't all that much to maintain.

I've taken a liking to landscaping since purchasing a home in 2010. In need, I found the local Sears and purchased a mower and weed whacker. I'm quickly learning that the more affordable route isn't always best. Hopefully I'll be able to give something back to this community in the way of knowledge but you folks know your stuff. Impressed is an understatement.

I've been browsing these forums for months now and finally decided to join. Thanks to all who have contributed their years of experience here. I've learned quite a bit already.




Welcome to the site. :thumbsup:




Hello LB1878! Welcome to LawnWorld.

