Thanks Meterman! I appreciate the voice of insight and experience. I downloaded an online Owner's Manual / Parts Manual, and I see what you refer to on how to adjust the levers; I'll do that. Couple more questions:
* I didn't notice in the manual if there was any way to adjust the maximum speed forward, left -vs- right; my right can go faster than my left by just a bit (great for great big circles) ... any ideas?
* If it should quit on a guy for whatever reason, is there a lever/switch to actuate that allows the machine to roll when not powered? This is mentioned in the table of contents, but the downloaded version is missing this page (wouldn't ya know it?)
As far as the amount of hrs on the hydro trans fluids/ filters = no idea. I gave the whole machine a good workout yesterday, did great. Decided I will move ahead and change all fluids, install an Hour meter for keeping good records.
Thanks for the info. Safe mowing!!