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G'day All, New member from Down Under




Hi Guys n Gals, old bloke that is a new member. Just recently moved into a new home and at the moment have a fair bit of Lawn to mow, (800Sq mtr block) Got a Push Mower (Silver Victa Classic Anniversary Model) and my secret weapon My 16 yo Murray 40" Ride on. Just trying to help the young bloke next door with a 2018 Rover Duracut 420. Does anyone know anything about them? Engine seems to be compromised, poor breathing, ignition timing seems to be crap and runs really rich.

I'll stick a service kit through it initially but just wondering if any member knows anything about them



Rocky J

Welcome Stepho , Another old bloke here in Indiana USA . My yard is 4.5 acers and I mow with a International Cub Lo Boy 60 inch cut . It is winter here on this side of the equator 13 degree F as we write this , you will have to convert the (800SQ mtr block) for me . We do not call ours Rover Duracut but we most likely have it under another name . The Murry we had some years back before Briggs and Stratton took them over . I think they had a Briggs engine and a Foote Transmission in them. I enjoyed watching Outback Trucker , your drivers would love it here with a Truck Stop every 16 miles . Hope to see you in one of the Post soon, Rocky




Welcome Stepho , Another old bloke here in Indiana USA . My yard is 4.5 acers and I mow with a International Cub Lo Boy 60 inch cut . It is winter here on this side of the equator 13 degree F as we write this , you will have to convert the (800SQ mtr block) for me . We do not call ours Rover Duracut but we most likely have it under another name . The Murry we had some years back before Briggs and Stratton took them over . I think they had a Briggs engine and a Foote Transmission in them. I enjoyed watching Outback Trucker , your drivers would love it here with a Truck Stop every 16 miles . Hope to see you in one of the Post soon, Rocky
Gday Rocky, house lot is .2 of an acre so way way smaller than your block. I've done a bit more research and it appears to be a chinese sourced machine that was sold under the Rover (Aus) and MTD (AU & US) the engine is suspiciously similar in design to a small late model 159cc B & S engine but is 140cc displacement with no manufacturers label. Frustratingly im stuffed if i can find any technical details anywhere. As for the Murray, 15 HP B&S Intec not sure of the brand of transmission but its now 18 years old, got about 250 hrs on it, and is tough as nails. Im not big tv watcher but 40 years ago i used to work in the mining industry and drove an old White Road Boss towing 200 tons of side tipping trailers. Cheers for the reply








Hey Stepho_62 , what part of Aust are you in , Southern Highlands NSW here , good mower that Victa , I have a Victa Lawnkeeper with a Briggs motor and a Cub as per photo on the left
Odds are that Rover will have a Briggs motor , post a photo
As for Outback Trucker what a load of , that is
Rocky J we just moved out of Summer into Autumn but still managing to get 35c/90f temps with 85% humidity gee its good to be alive




Hey Stepho_62 , what part of Aust are you in , Southern Highlands NSW here , good mower that Victa , I have a Victa Lawnkeeper with a Briggs motor and a Cub as per photo on the left
Odds are that Rover will have a Briggs motor , post a photo
As for Outback Trucker what a load of , that is
Rocky J we just moved out of Summer into Autumn but still managing to get 35c/90f temps with 85% humidity gee its good to be alive
Lol, G'day @Ozcub. Your fellow NSWelchmen in the North of your state are about to experience their first Tropical Cyclone. That's going to be interesting. I'm 2000k North of Brisbane on the Atherton Tablelands. The ol Victa is not a bad bit of kit. I flicked the cutter bar and put a disc from a Victa (Commando?) and four foldback blades on it, so it cuts well. I picked the Victa up second hand for $200 and it had been used about 4 times. Being the wet season the ol lawn is pretty thinck so I use the Victa to cut in the edges and then use the 40" Murray to finish it, Cant impinge on my drinking time too much. That Cub looks pretty good, not dis-similar to Murray just much newer with nicer trim. The Rover is a 140cc engine and suspiciously similar to the B&S 159cc engine but has absolutley no manufacturers marks with the exception of a couple of barcoads on the crank case. I dont have any pics as it belongs to the Young bloke that lives next door.




Alfred looks like it might kick some butt
One of the kids lives in Hervey Bay
Cub is 12 years old , just give it a blow-over and wipe after each mow
