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Gas/Fuel mix ratio. 2HP Tecumseh 2-cycle.




I purchased a Garden Way Mini Tiller at an Estate Sale. It had not run in years. The Tag on the Engine shroud says 8079 so I assume one of those numbers is the year? I should have never fixed it because it needed a Carburetor, Coil and Axle bearings for the Transmission. I rebuilt the Carb with OEM parts but the Coil was expensive and difficult to locate. Total cost, not including my time, was $92. I like to fix and keep or sell equipment as a hobby. Anyway, I got it running well. The Tecumseh sticker on the Engine says mix fuel at 24:1. I use Red Armour 2-cycle oil in my equipment at 40:1 to 45:1. Never had an Engine wear out yet. Can I run this old Tecumseh Engine using the same mix ratio without issue? I am guessing back when this Tecumseh Engine was manufactured, they didn't have the good quality oils that we have today?

I remember when I was in High School, there was a Garden Way info Commercial on TV. The pretty Girl using the Tiller. When I saw this Garden Way at the Estate Sale, I thought of that Commercial back in the day.





I’m torn on which way to go when advis ing how to answer your question on which ratio to use. These old Tecumseh engines were mules and when taken care of run forever. The condition of the engine will have a lot to do with how to proceed. The oil in a 2-cycle ratio has two jobs. First, it is used to lubricate the engine internal parts. Second, it helps to seal between the rings and cylinder wall. Older engines used a higher ratio and heavier oil to help seal better. In fact if you do a little research you’ll find that 30 weight oil was the oil of choice. Oils have changed a lot in the last 30 years, as well as tighter engine specs, which has resulted in the change in ratios. With that being said, I would recommend the following. If your engine is in relatively good condition, no scoring, I would probably switch over to a synthetic 2-cycle oil which can be used across all ratios. I recommend and use Opti-2. If the engine worn or is starting to loose compression, I recommend following the manufacturer specs and stay with a 24/1 ratio. You will have to do some digging to find out which type of oil is recommended for your engine. Remember to read my signature before proceeding.




Rivets, I appreciate the insight and advice. I had the Tank full of 40:1 mix and a friend came by and asked, "Do you have a Mini Tiller I can borrow?" I said I just hot this one running so try it out. He left with the mix ratio 40:1. Hopefully the Engine is happy and doesn't incur any damage. He called this afternoon and said that little Garden Way Tiller is a beast. He said it did an amazing job for him. I'd like to use my Endoscope Camera and look inside the cylinder bore. Smiles.




If it were mine, I'd be comfortable with 32:1 but that's as thin as I would go personally. And you may never really know. It may not immediately fail but it could shorten its life.
