I had the same problem that seems to be fairly common with several mower owners, the float would not float in gasoline. I did however try it in water and it floated just fine. The float on my fuel gauge is made of a solid material but apparently not of the proper weight for the specific gravity of gasoline. As a remedy, I drilled four blind holes, 1/4” diameter in the bottom on the float parallel to the guide bar slots, approximately 3/4 of the length of the float. It is VERY important that the holes are in the bottom of the float and do not penetrate the sides, center hole, nor top of the float. The holes form “air traps” that allow the float to float. I put it all back together and it floats just fine now. I haven’t yet run the mower on an incline to see what angle would cause the air to “spill” out of the holes but I would think the considering the depth of the holes, the angle would be significantl. Please see below an image of how the float should look. Neither the middle hole nor guide slots need any adjustments. ** I have not illustrated the slit in the middle hole in which the spiral rod twists to move the needle in the gauge.
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