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Fuel Filter Clogging - Surprised?




The other day I asked my wife to get my jerry can filled. Unfortunately, and due to my mistake, she took the wrong one and dutifully added 5 gallons to it. Turns out it was the one I use for used engine oil, and have used it for years. I had dumped it at the local gas station and once home forgot to put it away.

The writing "Old Oil" was faded and covered in grime. Goodness knows how much debris was in the bottom of the jug. I began the slow and tedious task of trying to save the fuel by straining it through a double coffee filter. I then used it in my lawn tractor (23 Hp Kawasaki) and Hooray!, it didn't smoke and ran fine.... for about 3 hours total, and then the filter (which was new in the Spring) clogged up and the engine died.

I was surprised the filter clogged up on just a bit of oil in gas, but as per the picture below you can see some sludge inside. So maybe the coffee filters wern't the best choice, but the filtering went slow and I was sure and solids were filtered out. Apparently not. I admit the fuel was still slightly brown after filtering.





At least it didn't get to your carb, filters are cheap might take a few to clean it up but now you need to worry about the tank as well




Cut the filter open and look at the size of the particles. Coffee filters won’t stop anything that small. As stated may have to change the filter a few time to get all the crap out.
