I have had a hard time starting my lawnmower and it would start but sporadically. I discovered that the choke valve lever on the carburetor was stiff, it moves but not easily. The valve moves but not easily. When I pull the choke it lifts the lever and closes the valve but when the choke is pusbed back down, the lever at the carburetor does not move and the choke stays close. The spring is not steong enough to pull the lever back. I pulled apart the carb to verify that in fact the choke valve is stiff and does not easily move. I tried cleaning it and spraying it with carb cleaner a lot. Initially it loosens a bit but eventually it gets hard to move. Can I replace the choke valve and lever/rod? Or is this a new carburetor kind of problem? I can't find instructions online so I am not sure if this is something I can do by just simply forcing the choke rod out and it all comes out "easy" or I have to start looking for a new carburetor.
Thank you