I need help identifying flywheels. I've taken apart a few B&S engines in the last few years and set aside the parts. Like a dope I didn't mark the parts with the engine number they came from. Now I need to find a wheel for an engine I'm working on. Is there a part number stamped on the wheel somewhere? The only number I see is 35A and can't find that number reference anywhere. Any ideas, thanks.
Compare the existing flywheel with what you have. Always helps to post engine model number. There are two different flywheels in the 31 series for instance. Check position of key way, difference will not be subtle.
Walt Conner
Compare the existing flywheel with what you have. Always helps to post engine model number. There are two different flywheels in the 31 series for instance. Check position of key way, difference will not be subtle.
Walt Conner
Just guessing, but you could pull out all or several flywheels that are possible candidates and compare them for differences. If you put each in it's own similar category, that might make it simpler to compare your old flywheel with a replacement that is the same.