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First time homeowner




Hi All,

First time homeowner here in the northeast. Big time noob, looking to have a lawn one day that will make my dad proud and my in-law jealous. So here is my current situation.
  • The lawn has a lot of weeds and crab grass.
  • Since it’s November I’m wondering what I should do.
  • should I focus on killing off the weeds.
  • Should I apply a triple action weed killer/fertilizer.
  • should I aerate and over side to fill in dead spots.
  • If I should do all what order should it be in.



mechanic mark

Look online for at least 3 Lawn Care Treatment Services in your area & schedule a free estimate with each of the 3. After getting yearly quotes from all Businesses, see if you can spend less $'s by doing it yourself using Scotts Lawn Care Program etc. Let us know how it goes, thanks, Mark




Excellent advice




Being nov 4 , if there hasn't been frost to kill annual weeds there will be soon . Don't be concerned with killing weeds now .
Till until the soil is clean like in this vid in , how to plant alfalfa . Grass planting is the same for cool season grass .

Notice this farmer doesn't plant seed then begin watering . That's a huge mistake . He plants when there is good enough soil moisture at seed depth , harrows the field until the soil is fine and firm down 1/4" and plants . With this method the seed germinates and roots down where the moisture is . Post watering causes the seed roots to stay up where the moisture is .

The grass seed planted in the lawn to be was pressed into the top 1/4" of the soil with a lawn tractors tires . A roller will do the same thing .




Good advice & link.. Thanks.
