Fellow dust eaters! I sat in the shadows, lurking, reading and learning for some time. I was researching which mower to pursue for my 5 acres, that is heavy with trees and limestone shelf/field stone. I noticed that the majority of landscaping trailers were hauling Exmark or Scag, in my area of central Texas. After thousands of post reviews and hours of Craigslist searches, I finally found what I consider to be a good buy. Picked up a 2011 model Scag Tiger Cat with 48" Velocity deck. It has the 25hp Kohler, 180hrs on the clock, has been stored indoors (garage), and looks to have been well cared for. Previous owner had the local shop, Scag dealer, perform all the maintenance. So far all I've done is lube all zerks and sharpen the blades...belt sander is BY FAR MY FAVORITE METHOD! I've cut once so far and my best guess is I've shaved 3.5 hours from the areas I keep groomed (about half of my homestead). The remainder I let grow wild due to tree coverage (thick) or rough cut with my JD5105 and a finish mower.
I'm extemely happy to have found such a great resource of information in LawnMowerForum!
Well Howdy Pardner, ya just rode up to the best site on the net !! ..:welcome: .. Boobala