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Firepit redo




First picture shows my bonfire pit with old patio stones, rusty surround and ugly stump in the background. Spent $31 for new galvanized window wells, and 4 hours hauling up fieldstones to replace the patio stones, and cutting out the stump with a chain saw. Love doing little things like this that don't cost much, yet make a big improvement.




Mower manic

JDgreen said:
First picture shows my bonfire pit with old patio stones, rusty surround and ugly stump in the background. Spent $31 for new galvanized window wells, and 4 hours hauling up fieldstones to replace the patio stones, and cutting out the stump with a chain saw. Love doing little things like this that don't cost much, yet make a big improvement.

That's where that loader comes in handy.




How dull was your chain by the time you were done. I know the second I hit dirt chain is dull. I always sharpen by hand. Have spent some good time wit a saw in my hands and know you gotta treat it nice.




How dull was your chain by the time you were done. I know the second I hit dirt chain is dull. I always sharpen by hand. Have spent some good time wit a saw in my hands and know you gotta treat it nice.

It was a nearly new chain, and is still sharp. I used a hand axe to cut all the bark off the stump above the cut line, then scraped and dug out the soil for several inches below the cut line, and finally I used a hose to rinse the bare stump well to be sure there was no grit left to abrade the chain.

And MM, you are right...no attachment is more useful than a loader.
