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Ferris right wheel will not drive




I have a Ferris (ISZKAV23/61) I bought it used, and the right wheel would not drive. I installed a new wheel motor for the right side, and proceeded to reinstall the lines, and other parts. I turned the key, and nothing. After getting the mower running again, I was excited to finally have the wheel driving. Left wheel, check, right wheel, nothing. No sound, or movement. When free spinning the wheel there is clicking sound. I am not sure about that. I do not know how to purge the hydraulic lines. I am curious if the wheel motor could have air inside, or if it is a faulty pump.




The normally procedure to purge is to raise the rear wheels off the ground, start the mower and move the forward/reverse levers back and forth several times until the wheel turns smoothly and then let the wheels down and do the same thing. the issue right now is if you had a faulty wheel motor, which could of damaged the pump, and you didn't flush the hydraulic system, you have now potentially sent metal fragments into your new wheel motor which could damage it.




So you think having a bad wheel motor possibly damaged my pump? Could that be why I hear nothing, and have no movement of the right wheel? How would you suggest flushing? Disconnect the lines to the wheel motor, and run oil through? I'm sorry for all of the questions. I'm still learning this machine.




Running oil through the wheel motor and see what comes out would be a start. Something else you could check is pull the hydraulic filter, and cut it open and see what is inside, Metal flakes would indicate a failure. Metal debris in the oil tank would be even more serious since that has now entered the other side of the pump and wheel motor.

What people don't understand is the oil that goes through the filter is the oil that has pushed out from the mating surfaces of the pump and wheel motor. The majority of the oil gets recirculated between the pump and the wheel motor unfiltered. So that failure debris goes back and forth between the two components.
