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Farewell old Friend




My father-in-law's Gravely finally bit the dust. He bought it used back in 1967, and it was a faithful workhorse for him. They moved it across the country when they retired, and continued to use it on his farm. The last remaining Gravely repair person in the county retired, and Dad did the final repairs himself the last few years.

Goodbye old friend.




Sorry to hear that the old faithful has mown its last but hey, what a good innings. Is your father in law going to replace it with another brand?




Luckily he has a few months to grieve before having to make that tough decision. He'll probably wait until after the holidays to start looking, and then, knowing him, will research the problem thoroughly from a dozen different directions. :rolleyes:




I had the feeling you were talking about a person. But of course you were talking about a machine. Things that stay with us long feel like old friends, true. Just like the old clocks.




I have a hard time believing that no one in your area will work on a Gravely. What is wrong with it?




Send my condolences. It is hard when something you love dies, even if it is a machine, like a car too, my old Toyota recently died and I think I almost took it as hard as when I lost a pet.




I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one who gets attached to inanimate objects! I must stop naming things that can't respond to being called! (Glad your father in law is looking at new mowers.)




I have a hard time believing that no one in your area will work on a Gravely. What is wrong with it?

My father-in-law lives in a very very rural part of Iowa. There was only one mower guy in the whole county who actually knew what he was doing, and he's the one who retired. The new guy is a young guy who only knows the new machines.

I'm not actually sure the details of what's wrong, but it must be major for him to finally give up.




Sounds like the 'kid' has lots of education but no learning.

Take the old mower to him to "play with", if he gets it running, father in law, will pay for the parts. At cost!

If it can not be revived, it has not cost anything, either way the kid got some more education.

In school the lesson comes before the test; in life the test comes before
the lesson.

