What is everyone doing for their gardens for the fall. I am going to be quite busy so I do not know if I will do anything. But I would love to know what others are planning to do for the fall.. is it officially fall yet?
Just under another week until fall begins. Mine isn't a spectacular garden, because it's getting rather damp now, I'm just going to let the grass grow.
I'm cutting mine back and transplanting and splitting some others. I need to move things around that I had moved earlier in the spring, my garden looks awful right now, it needs attention.
Well, I know this isn't very imaginative but I'm simply going to forego the flower garden and plant pumpkins for my kids for Halloween ! It may not be pretty, but they'll love it.
I'm planting spring blooming bulbs. I'm doing it in waves, meaning I'm spacing out the timing when I plant each batch of bulbs so I have a continuous progression of spring flowers. Easier to get the work done that way too!
Green Girl, its so nice that you can plant bulbs. I love those early spring flowers. Crocuses, tulips, daffs. Alas I have a major problem with squirrels. We have black and gray squirrels here where I live, and they love to dig up my bulbs and carry them away. So alas I haven't been able to follow your example.