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eXmark Lazor Z CT steering vibrations.


bald mark

bald mark

My 2007, 48” has steering vibrations when turning either direction but not while moving straight forward or reverse. It doesn’t seem to matter if blades are engaged or not. I also tried it with the clutch removed, it seemed to have been a little less noticeable but still there. I did take the right pump off and everything seemed to be fine. I did put in new seals and O-rings. Has anyone else had this issue? My guess is either a wheel motor or pump. Is there a way to further diagnose the problem.




Belt slipping due to the extra torque needed to counteract the drives trying to do different things.


bald mark

bald mark

Thanks ILENGINE, I will order a new belt.


bald mark

bald mark

that did it! Thanks again ILENGINE!
