Does anyone know if the spin on element fuel system component on the diesels need to be changed w any regularity? Its not on the parts schematic and its not mentioned in the service section for Exmark but there is a replacement part available. Is that just in case it gets damaged somehow?
thanks i have all the manuals available for my model. What im wondering is about servicing/changing it. There is no reference to that part in the service
That's pretty odd. Might call a exmark dealer, or Exmark themselves and see if you can find out.
yeah i agree. if nothing bubbles up here, ill follow up w someone at Exmark
Yes, the spin-on fuel filter will have a regular replacement interval. Check with both the mower and the engine manufacturer to see which one has the more stringent change interval.
Here's the one you mentioned. It looks like it's been superceded by p/n 63-8300. Any good auto parts store or online vendor can probably cross reference it for you.
If you've never changed a diesel fuel filter before, read up on it. Diesels can be very hard to get re-started if you let air get in the system when changing the filter.
The change interval is probably longer than you expect. The first symptom of when a diesel fuel filter really needs replaced is a loss of power. Don't wait that long.
This price is closer to being right than the $47 filter.
thanks for the reply. I would have thought it needed regular service and im surprised there is no reference to doing just that in the manuals. I emailed Exmark Service this am. Will be curious to see what they say.
I am not familiar with this mower, but I have worked on various diesels a lot. I would say that "Yes" the filter needs changing, but maybe not for the reason you might think. Yes, there are particles that need filtering, but more importantly these filters usually catch water too. And it's the water that represents the more pressing issue.
Definitely. Part of the fuel system service is to drain this filter to remove water. I haven’t heard back from Exmark re how often the element should be changed out.
NAPA used to sell diesel fuel filters with radiator-type water drains on the very bottom. That was nice because you could drain without taking the filter all the way off. Another filter maker, Raycor, had a transparent bowl so you could visually inspect.
Thanks. Exmark indicated it should be changed between 250-400hrs. Funny that there is no reference to doing so in the manuals provided to the consumer. Maybe its referenced in the workshop manual which they wont provide to those of us that like to work on our own stuff.
I thought I would post a quick update. What a difference changing this spin on element out has made in starting the mower! No more hard starts. My model year is 2006, if anyone has one this old and is having an issue w hard starts, changing out this filter should be on your shortlist. Again in my owners and parts manual for this machine, there is no reference to servicing this part of the fuel system other than draining the water.