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Hey guys, for those who like to tinker, I received some info on penatrating fluid, that I now swear by, Guys you will not beleive this, but kindly take my word, it does work as good or better than most of JUNK on todays market. READY? SIMPLE !!!!! 50% acetone, 50% transmisson fluid.

Off topic, it is so hot here today I just saw a dog, chasing a cat, & they were both WALKING !!!!!!
Michael :laughing:



Mac 624

Old coke without Carbon will work as well.

OT: Itエs so wet here today, I saw a dog chasing a cat. Both swimming!:laughing:




Thankyou for the SMILE, I informed the lovely sweet, well built,much younger woman, who lives next door that I will be slepping out the hameck tonite, in as much as I love to honey, wait for the pumpkins. Gotta mow front lawn, hot or not, in an hr I'll be done, then it will be 5 oclock somewhere.:laughing:




Michael,I'll give that recipe a try.don't know what you good folks in Canada consider hot but it's been pretty toasty here in Kansas. russ




Michael,I'll give that recipe a try.don't know what you good folks in Canada consider hot but it's been pretty toasty here in Kansas. russ

Very rarely use any type of penetrating fluid these days...I took a pic of our digital outdoor thermometer (shaded) when it hit 99 degrees here. Mid Michigan rarely has this kind of heat in late August.




Hot here is high 70's, most of us do not use AC units, the cost & usage time does not calculate, this is unseasonable for easrten Canada, I thought I would get a jump start on the day and went out my shop at 4:30 am, I was just finishing up about 3:00pm, a car pulls in the yard, she is 70 Years old and a bit, well what do you do, god love her, I hope Iam that spry 20 years from now. Well a carb kit, 1/2 a quart of oil, a plug, touch up yon blade, 45 min labour, the cost would'nt my financail future, but I got chance to put a smile on a face probably needed it. I kissed her hand & bid farewell. Oh I got it mowed, so much water I am sloshin




good job Michael, I've got a digital thermometer [also shaded] that's reading 103.3.Cold front moving in so will likely get some fire works this eve. russ




60* F here, overcast and generally lousey. I guess summer's over! :mad:
