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Don't let your equipment dictate how much pride you put into your work.




I see guys with very nice outfitted trailers pull up and boy I say Wow! How nice. But I've also seen the guy that carriers a push mower in his Nissan Exterra do just as nice of job. So I tell myself I don't have the top of the line but my work can be equally as professional.




I couldn't agree more.

We use a 05 Silverado with a 4x8 trailer that hauls our equipment and I see nothing wrong with it. I do see a company or two that come around once and awhile and yes, the truck, trailer and lawn equipment is top of the line but even so, the result is the same....the grass is cut, trimmed and edged. Does it look better than ours? Depends on how you look at it but I think we do a better job because we care and have always talked face to face with our clients before, during and after each cut. I honestly think that is where the difference is between a great lawn and a lawn that just gets cut.




I agree. I was there with my old craftsman mower. Gotta say tho the cheaper the mower the more you gotta maintain like sharpen blades a few times a week clean mower and bag etc




Re: Don't let your equipment dictate how much pride you put into your work. PartII

I had to write a followup on this topic because today I actually saw his mower close up, the guy that carries all his equipment in Nissan.
The irony of this is I had just dropped one of my riders off for repair. So you could imagine what kind mood was in. And I pull up and this guy is going to town with one push mower that the wheels were leaning and had holes in wheel. But his finish product was well manicured.




I guess you can't complain too much about a push mower that sounds like its on its last cut and still leaving lawn looking great. However, I've always wondered what some of these other 'two guys in a truck' spend their money on. Just like a lot of people, I myself started with cheap mowers and weed eaters. But I've always been told you have to make money to spend money to make money. And that is what I did. I upgraded to better equipment when I could. I still see some of the other guys haul around junk on the trailer and I wonder to myself if that equipment is going to make it and why they haven't bought better. But to each their own I guess.
