Do I need a blower bagger?


Jun 19, 2013
I am about to purchase my first zero turn and keep going back and forth about a blower bagger or non blower. I have lots of trees that will need attention in the fall. This is for residential use and will not be sucking up wet leaves and grass. Some people say get a blower bagger and others say I don't need it. I am looking at a 42" 2 bladed zero turn and people say for 2 blades and 42" deck a non blower bagger will do just fine for me. They say if I would go with a 42" 3 blades or a larger deck that would be the only reason to get a blower. I just don't want to regret my purchase but also don't want to buy a blower if I don't need one.

Any assistance would be great! TIA!

Mad Mackie

Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2011
I have a Scag Tiger Cub, 48" deck with a Scag collection system that has a blower. This setup is very effective and most of my customers have lots of trees. I mowed commercially for years with two Ingersoll GTs both of which had tractor powered blower vacs so I am very accustomed to using them.
The Scag blower hangs onto a bracket on the R/H side of the mower deck and is powered by a V belt connected to the R/H deck spindle. The three bag setup will hold up to 15 bushels of compacted clipping/leaves. Part of the bagger setup are counter weights front mounted and a different baffle under the deck to improve the evacuation air flow toward the blower inlet.
When I want to mow without collection, I remove the blower and install the plastic chute, very easily done.
Do your homework and research a machine that will accept the manufacturers attachments. You don't need to buy the collection system now, however you may get a better package price from your dealer if you do buy it with the machine.
I have not seen an effective non blower collection system on any make of machine. They are OK if you mow frequently which keeps the clipping size small.
Check out the pics of my machines in Mad Mackies albums.
Mad Mackie in CT
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