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Deere LTR180 Drive belt slippage




Hi all
I have had my mower for over 20 years now, and on the third drive belt.
I have put in a genuine JD belt about 20 hours ago, and in the last 10 hours, the drive feels like it is slipping.
I am not sure it is the belt, but it is slow and has issues with hills or tough forward progress. The engine etc is fine. It is like a clutch slipping.

I have adjusted the belt tension as much as possible using the instructions in the manual, as attached, and had it all apart again to try and see what the issue may be. All components appear fine and working, except idler 'D' in the graphic, which is quite worn.

My question is,
Is there anything else which may be of issue? (the hydro - which I am informed is maintenance free).
Would the replacement of the idler 'D' really make a difference? A worn idler must make mere millimeters difference, however perhaps that is enough?

Maybe someone has had a similar issue.







Actually in your picture the idler labeled "F" would be a source of problems as they wear to a point where the drive belt bottom out in it. Usually you see the bottom of the v groove shiny if worn out completely and plastic/nylon composite does wear a lot. BTW there are three of these idlers in the drive path so it is highly likely all three needs replacing. They do affect the effective belt length a lot.

Then if that not the problem I would first check the belt OC which should 136 inches. IF is okay then think about the transaxle slipping.




Thanks for your reply @StarTech
I now have a genuine replacement for idler D and will have a look at F when I install it. I know the other pullys are fine, as I had a look at those recently. Hopefully that will sort it. I'll come back with the result.




Replaced idler D and things are better, but not as good as new. Idler F looked fine, but I may just need to change them all, or put up with it. I'll wait until the end of this mowing season....




If the new belt back does not come to the outer edge of the v-pulleys they are worn. You machine has three of them in the drive belt path.
The two circled in orange affects the belt length the most with the red circled one following closely behind.




Replaced the two pulleys in orange above with new genuines, and all is much better (back to normal really). They were not very worn though, so I think the benefit was more me moving idler F. I had not realised that was also adjustable. I need to review the manual in more detail next time!
Yellow box was missed.

Happy to have changed them, and happy it is all back to normal.





Adjustment sheet created and saved here.
