I have a jd d105 with 100 hrs. While mowing, I pressed pedal to increase acceleration, the pedal went to the limit with no resistance. Pedal doesn't engage forward or reverse, pedal just flops. If I put it in neutral there is resistance on pedal, feels like some sort of linkage disconnected.... any ideas would be greatly appreciated
Could be , but first I would check that your drive belt is on correctly.
Yes the belt is a good place to start. Also check since you have a CVT transmission that there is nothing, like debris blocking the levers required for actuation. General transmissions
when you say on correctly..... its on the pulley....that's all I can see without dropping the transmission.... was trying to avoid that. may not get that lucky
Yes the belt is a good place to start. Also check since you have a CVT transmission that there is nothing, like debris blocking the levers required for actuation. General transmissions
thanks for your quick response, cant seem to find any debris, belt is on pulley, am puzzled why there is no resistance on pedal, just in neutral where is seems to be frozen. I was trying to avoid dropping transmission, seems inevitable
Hard to see top of that trans without close inspection, but that's where everything happens. General Transmissions says typically it's some external issue for the problem you describe. Best of luck, let us know.