The Transmission dipstick on my mule is plastic, i've always had trouble threading it back in, because if it starts to cross thread or go in crooked, the plastic gets cooked and it's a PITA to get it to catch just right to screw in. (i bought a new one a year or so ago.. the way they are made there only threads on 2 sides.
I was wondering if i could have a metal one made.. but i have no idea where to look or who to ask.
Need help? I can do it.
If you've got the know how an machinery I'm all in...
Can You send dimensions or the dip stick in the middle of winter when it is not needed?
Oh this Mule get's used Year round several times a day.... what i can do is purchase a new dipstick, as they only cost $5 or so dollars, and i'll ship it to you when i get it so you can have it in your hands, i have no idea what the thread pitch etc. is..... if that's OK?
How much $ can you do it for?
oh believe me i've tried that... it seems to be a combination of having to hold your tongue just right, standing on your tip toes and patting your head and rubbing your belly.
And then all bets are off if the plastic has swollen.