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Cub RZT S burning grass




Every time I mow (wet or dry) where I make turns , a day later I see burn spots. I've tried turning slower thinking that was the problem, but it did not help.
Any suggestions?




Every time I mow (wet or dry) where I make turns , a day later I see burn spots. I've tried turning slower thinking that was the problem, but it did not help.
Any suggestions?
That is a common problem for some Cub Cadets and Hustler Raptors. It's because they do not come with a standard muffler heat shield. Check with your dealer(if your RZT is new and under warranty, CC may install one under warranty if you complain nicely:0)

Also...are you absolutely certain these are "burn spots" and not "divots"(the little "circles" of torn grass where you are doing a "zero turn" and letting one of the tires stay "stationary")??? You must equally press backwards on one lever while pushing the other lever forward to keep both tires moving and avoid making divots.




You're right, they are "divots". My mower has a steering wheel. How do I
adjust for that?




You're right, they are "divots". My mower has a steering wheel. How do I
adjust for that?
When I turn I try to keep below 60mph. Just joking!! Maybe you could go a little slower when you turn around or make a wider turn so the one wheel is not the pivot point, if I'm saying that correct.




You're right, they are "divots". My mower has a steering wheel. How do I
adjust for that?

So, you've got one of those Cub Cadet Zero Turns with the steering wheel instead of levers....right? I have no experience and cannot even imagine how you can turn those and make one wheel go forward and the other wheel go backward at the same time. I would recommend the "Y" turn where the top of the "l" part of the Y is where you end your row and you turn one direction at the end(forming one side of the "V" at the top) and then back up turning the opposite way actually forming more of a "U" rather than a "V". You should then be lined up the opposite direction to cut the next "l" row. There are some links users have posted that have a link to a video that may make it easier for you to picture it and practice it. I'll try to find on of those threads and post the link for you.

Well, I did find a diagram showing a Y turn on the Scag website. Here's a link to that(it's at the bottom of the webpage):

403 Forbidden




With my rzt-s for doing a zero turn , if I come to a full stop and then crank the steering wheel as far as it goes the inside wheel does reverse . Just go easy on accelerating as you straighten the steering out for your next strip.




If you want to do the " Y " turn described above you can disable the safety switch that shuts off the blades when you back up. But that is something for you to decide if it is a risk that is worth taking. Hard to see what's right behind me on that machine so if dogs or small humans are around I try to minimize any backing up I do.
It was covered in this thread :

