we have had several units like this and would like to know how to solve this problem? seems to be on all the ltx 1050 units. people seem to keep breaking belts. we have tried oversized pulleys to no avail. anyone else have this problem?
Which belt are they breaking? Sounds like operator error. If the belts are the deck belts are they running the engine at full throttle and then engaging the belt? If so have them reduce the engine speed then engage the belt and increase engine speed to full throttle. If it is the drive belt are they jerking from forward to reverse? That will stress the transmission as well as the belt.
they are deck belts, its those 04240 deck belts. cub cadet has a service kit out but it calls for a new deck to be put on with the 04077 deck belts. cub has even gave a few customers a new decck since they bought so many belts. was just wondering if anyone else had a simple solution to this problem other than putting a new deck on the units.