did you find anything out? I am experiencing a similar problem with mine. It seems to be on the left side but I cant figure out what connection it would be.
Sorry in my delay to your question. I did find out how to adjust the creeping issue. There is a threaded control rod for each side connected to transmission/hydros by a cotter pin. Pull the pin and you can pull out the adjustment "bolt". One turn (clockwise or counter) was all I needed.
The link is from the operators manual. I included what it says, but it as a diagram to show you.
Cub Cadet RZT 50 Operator's Manual (Page 23 of 32)
TRACTOR CREEPINGCreeping is the slight forward or backward movementof the tractor when the engine is running at high idleand the drive control levers are opened out in theneutral position.If after operating the tractor for some time, it begins tocreep while in the neutral position, adjust thetransmission control rods as follows.
姫lace the front of the tractor against animmovable object (e.g. wall, post, etc.).
弼ack up the rear of the tractor so that both rearwheels are approximately one inch of the ground.
標ith the engine running at high idle and the drivecontrol levers opened out in the neutral position,and the parking brake disengaged, check the rearwheels for rotation.
肘f only one wheel is rotating, locate the transmis-sion control rod beneath the frame at the front ofthe rear tire. If both wheels rotate, locate bothcontrol rods. See Figure 24. (go to the link for this).
紐emove the internal cotter pin securing theferrule to the transmission control arm andwithdraw the ferrule. Wheel rotation should stop.If it does not, contact your Cub Cadet dealer.
肘f the rotation stops, adjust the ferrule up or downthe control rod as necessary to align with the holein the transmission control arm. Re-insert theferrule into the hole in the control arm and securewith the internal cotter pin.
肘f necessary, repeat the previous two steps toadjust the other transmission control rod.
畢ower the tractor and remove the jack.