
Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
i have said it before....there is such deep and extensive knowledge in this forum it deserves better than to be piece mealed out in separate threads and comments, thereby missed by many needy people. A steering committee should be set up of people willing to serve who have demonstrated vast experience (not me) in repair of the air cooled machines. This need is demonstrated by a response I just received from Bert ...

On the Intek 24 there is a "damper spring" riding on a carb rod which broke on my Husky. I did not know its function or that it existed, but the engine went into severe surging for a week. At that time I used the"search" here and only "dirt" came up. BUT TODAY I AM TOLD THAT BROKEN SPRING IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MANY CASES OF SURGE. Why should not that be featured as a major topic under the NEW sticky?

Other topics suggested: IGNITION MODULES, OVERHEAT, VALVE ADJUSTMENT, GAS FLOW, CARB (imo overkilled for replacement and cleaning)

Your comments should be welcomed.

Edit: AND...although it will take some effort, once created the "advice load" on the knowledgeable should drop as inquiries can be directed to sticky


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
AHHHhh yes motoman, great idea, BUT ! ( UT-OH, the magic word ) it will take much effort and time on the ADMIN to make the necessary changes, for MONTHS, I urged ADMIN to create a whole new forum just devoted to TRANSAXLES & TRANSMISSIONS, because there were so many folks posting their trans issues under their machines forum, ( ie. my JD transaxle is leaking, found in the JD forum) which created a lot of bouncing around by members to locate or RE-locate the thread or forum the thread was posted on, FINALLY it was made to be be !! ( thanks again ADMIN ) however, you will still find tranny questions in the separate machines forums, I'm sure ADMIN TRIES to post them in the correct categories, but that's a hell of a lot of work for a few folks to handle, So, by many asking over a long period of time, that too, may come to fruition ! This needs to be posted in " SITE DISCUSSION " on the main Forum Page . IT CAN HAPPEN !! ....Boobala

This was "THE-BEGINNING" can go to the "Site Discussion" forum to see the follow-ups .



Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
It is good to see that you are so patient and flexible. I will be the cynic for a moment. I do not pretend to be an expert on forum creation, but I have participated in many motorsport ones. There may be a distinction among them based upon the founders. For instance are they ENTHUSIAST driven or PROFIT driven? This site seems to be profit driven based upon the heavy advertising . So this site may not seek efficiency and more streamlined assistance. Instead, number of "hits," which are increased by seekers of the same fundamental questions , over and over and over, and over. A key to this is the hit counts on the site's stickeys which are heavily outweighed by other user threads like Boobala's.

The hard core reader knows when editors without basic knowledge of subject matter hijack a magazine- like Car and Driver. This sense is also obvious in a forum. Hoping for the best...


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Not looking for an argument , BUT, I've been on a few of the other mower forums and personally, I find this one the easiest to navigate, to find SPECIFIC forums, and a simple to use posting procedure, although admittedly, it has drawbacks, but it is FREE ! and there's a good deal of friendly folks willing to help in any capacity they can. yes there is ALWAYS a better way, and I've seen some good changes on here, to each his own, but for now I'm pretty comfy right here, reminds me of a friend who had a renting neighbor NEXT door ! the renters lived like slobs and the place looked like schitt ! which sort of degraded the neighborhood, SOME folks that rent, have that attitude, because it's NOT THEIR house, anyway he was delighted to see the "slobs" finally move, and he looked hopefully to better neighbors, as luck would have it the "NEW" neighbors that followed were even worse than the previous renters, so, HE MOVED !!
IN other words, I say if ya got an old, paid for car, and it always gets ya from point A, to point B, & back, sit back and enjoy the ride ! ..:thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
motoman, an aside question: Would you happen to be the same motoman?

Back to the thread--What you propose is logical, and would probably work admirably for people who know what those categories are. But many people who come here aren't fluent in the language and have very little mechanical experience. Many may be puzzled at the titles.

Maybe a comprehensive flow chart would work. I've often wondered how the Air Force takes high school grads and turns them into jet mechanics in less than two years.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
motoman, an aside question: Would you happen to be the same motoman?

Back to the thread--What you propose is logical, and would probably work admirably for people who know what those categories are. But many people who come here aren't fluent in the language and have very little mechanical experience. Many may be puzzled at the titles.

Maybe a comprehensive flow chart would work. I've often wondered how the Air Force takes high school grads and turns them into jet mechanics in less than two years.

Cars, trains, boats, or planes, a GOOD mechanic, can work on MOST anything, it is a constantly developing ability, to "see" in one's mind a logical procedure, of how sub-components come together to form the final product, there is an ability, to "see" and "feel" the size of fasteners, it's a lot of a vision of past experiences, of using your hands to build things, with various tools, and knowing automatically, which tools will be the BEST choice to do the task at hand, and of course, a repetition of the same or similar task on a daily basis increases the speed and efficiency of a particular procedure, being able to analyze a situation, and determine the corrective action to be taken, these are a FEW of the things determined by the tests given in the military services to recognize a person's mechanical abilities, and DESIRE !! to be a mechanic. A good mechanic has a love of how things come together to become the final result, it's also a great deal deal of shared experiences, and fellowship with like-minded folks. and of course there is a lot of knowledge from "book-learning" although I've known several good mechanics that were "semi-illiterate" in "reading skills" but none the less, had a "natural" ability to do the required work asked of them. DON'T try to make a mechanic out of someone who would rather be in the office, or doing something else, a good mechanic loves to fix "broke non-functioning things "as well as building something new, especially their own creations, I'm sure there are many fella's on this site that served in the Armed-Forces, that could give a quicker and better idea of what a person should be like in order for ANY branch to "train" a person into a particular field, ACTUALLY, what the Air Force did to train me, is, they simply challenged me to FURTHER enhance my interest, and abilities in the field of being a "wrench-bender", on something new to me !
one thing further, I started using tools when I was about 9 or 10 yrs. old, "helping" my dad do things in what was then a "Do It Yourself" world, and most importantly I learned from "On the Job Training" too ! LEARNING .. from GOOD mechanics !!
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Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
I helped hire IT guys at 2 hospitals. The most important question and answer was this. How often did you get in trouble at your house when you where a kid for tearing things up?


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
I helped hire IT guys at 2 hospitals. The most important question and answer was this. How often did you get in trouble at your house when you where a kid for tearing things up?

AHHHhh thank you Blaz, I did for get to mention the fact, that becoming a good mechanic also involves a bit of being a "Nosey-Sumbeech" .. along with the fact, SOMETIMES we break things FURTHER, when trying to fix them, learning how NOT to break thing during dis-assembly is an acquired skill, ever try to get a stereo system out of a very recent model vehicle, WITHOUT, damaging some of the "trim" panels / mouldings ?? ..:thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
No, Mr purvis, I am not that motoman. Yes, boobala , I agree with your description of a good mechanic . Alway recoil when there is talk of special mechanics. And the terms or headings suggested for sticky topics are not rocket science. Anyone interested in this site can easily find a definition of the terms.

What I see here is that a few good and knowledgeable people burn out (understandably) faced with the same questions over and over, and simply do not answer certain questions if they have not presented in a "suitable" way (what ever that might be).

To me it is remarkable that the pro's respond as well as they do. Because , unlike home hobbyists (me), they are faced daily with gross misuse, lack of maintenance and laziness. That is enough to drive most away permanently. So those who continue to offer knowledge better than lawyers ($200/hour) keep digging down deep each time they answer. These people answer the call of "teacher," and they should receive assistance which could easily be provided (stickies).

As this country slips further and further into services every effort must be made to strengthen volunteer efforts to keep "hands on" alive. These air cooled machines (IMO) have the mix of easy and hard to allow interested owners and newbies to learn and fix.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
No, Mr purvis, I am not that motoman. Yes, boobala , I agree with your description of a good mechanic . Alway recoil when there is talk of special mechanics. And the terms or headings suggested for sticky topics are not rocket science. Anyone interested in this site can easily find a definition of the terms.

What I see here is that a few good and knowledgeable people burn out (understandably) faced with the same questions over and over, and simply do not answer certain questions if they have not presented in a "suitable" way (what ever that might be).

To me it is remarkable that the pro's respond as well as they do. Because , unlike home hobbyists (me), they are faced daily with gross misuse, lack of maintenance and laziness. That is enough to drive most away permanently. So those who continue to offer knowledge better than lawyers ($200/hour) keep digging down deep each time they answer. These people answer the call of "teacher," and they should receive assistance which could easily be provided (stickies).

As this country slips further and further into services every effort must be made to strengthen volunteer efforts to keep "hands on" alive. These air cooled machines (IMO) have the mix of easy and hard to allow interested owners and newbies to learn and fix.

Actually (at least in my case) it"s more FRUSTRATION, than "burn-out" , I get weary after seeing post after post of ...( my LXT965, my GTf666-98, etc., their SERIES number, they need to look at the mower ID stickers to get the MODEL # ) my mower engine, ....... ( no model or make info) etc.,etc. WE are NOT mind-readers ! WE need a make & model number to start our searches for the requested information, yes, SOME answers can be given WITHOUT that info. I realize not everyone visiting this site, is very mechanically minded, MANY are just to lazy to try to find the necessary info, others, have no idea of which end of a screwdriver, is the functional end ! but then, SOMETIMES, when we ask for the info. we get the sarcastic feedback !! THAT pisses me off to no end. THEY are the one with the issue, we are here giving our time and help ( as best we know) FREELY ! I know many other members are also frustrated, ( they have a LOOOooonger fuse than me ! ( LOL ) but we always have a place to come to .