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Craftsman does Wheelies




Hi All, I have a question regarding lawn tractors such as a Craftsman LT100, 917-273373, 6 speed gear trans. Any any like it. They like to lurch forward and lift the front wheels off the ground when the clutch is let out in anything over 2nd gear. What is causing this and how to correct? The one I'm working on seems to have a decent drive belt. Will a tighter break adjustment do anything?

Thanks as always,




Actually what I have found over the years is the brake is too tight. The drive belt starts engaging prior to the brakes releasing, which is like holding the brakes on your vehicle, reving the engine and releasing the brakes.




Don't know if this will help, but imagine it's roughly the same as my JD L-100. It used to do wheelies, no matter what I did. It turned out the drive belt would simply grab too fast ( just like popping, the clutch. ) so I put a very light touch of paraffin wax on the drive belt so it will slip slightly, and it's been smooth as silk ever since. I have to repeat the process about once a year. If all else fails, maybe give that a try.




Thanks Guys. I wondered about the brake and the clutch adjustments. It appears I only have to raise the pedal about 2 inches and the trans engages. I'm not sure where the brake does. Sounds like I have too much belt tightness, or grab. I will try making the brake grab very low first.
