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Contracts for snow removal




The winter I was 12, my brother (13) and I - living in upstate New York - decided to shovel for our neighbors by contract. We wrote it up and sold it to 4-5 neighbors. The deal was, they paid us a set amount for the month, and we would shovel their walk by 7am any time it snowed. Well, the first month, we made out like bandits! It only snowed 3-4 times the whole month. We renewed 3 of the contracts, and then my brother switched from an afternoon paper route to a morning one, so the second month was mine alone. It snowed ALL BUT 3-4 days that month! I refused to renew the following month!

I made a little money and learned a lot about contracts and work ethic that year!




The winter I was 12, my brother (13) and I - living in upstate New York - decided to shovel for our neighbors by contract. We wrote it up and sold it to 4-5 neighbors. The deal was, they paid us a set amount for the month, and we would shovel their walk by 7am any time it snowed. Well, the first month, we made out like bandits! It only snowed 3-4 times the whole month. We renewed 3 of the contracts, and then my brother switched from an afternoon paper route to a morning one, so the second month was mine alone. It snowed ALL BUT 3-4 days that month! I refused to renew the following month!

I made a little money and learned a lot about contracts and work ethic that year!

A lot of variables...and you were pretty young to be doing that kind of work outside of your family property...have to congratulate you for the sensible manner of contracting work out, smart move to do it from month to month, instead of for the entire season. Were you ticked off at your brother for bailing out during the second month? I sure would have been, in your place. You should have made HIM sign a contract to stick with the shoveling !!!!




We were pretty young, but we lived in townhouses, so it really wasn't that far out of our area. I think the walk we did that was farthest was near the end of the next building, so not too bad. I didn't mind my brother dropping out because that meant *I* got all the money, since I did all the work!




I think you were a young entrepreneur and to be commended! I lived in Canada as a boy and used to clear folks drives myself but I didn't think about making a business out of it.




That was a great idea. I have two sons I think I will tell them about this and maybe get lucky enough that they will decide to give it a go. I would love to see them showing a little more responsibility.




That is a great story, Pika. Always good when people start out young to try and make money, and learn about the potential pros and cons of 'running a business'. Hope you took with you what you learned from that experience at the young age of 13.




I just looked up this thread again cause i wanted to thank you for inspiring me with it last year. I got six contracts at $150 to $200 for the season and this year im to 20-25! So again i thank you!:)




the first 2 years i had the plow on my Wheel Horse i lived in a sub division and i was out plowing my drive when the neighbor stopped and wanted his done so i did it and as i was doing it people kept stoping by and asking how much and when can i do it by the time i was done that first day i had been on that tractor for 8 hours i had to put a sign up sheet on the hood of the tractor because there was to many people who wanted it done i was only charging 10 bucks a drive but it only tool like 10 mins to do one i made a killing both years but never used a contract they just called when it needed done again
