I have worked on 3 different Tecumseh carbs bolted typically to an Eagle 1 (or is it Eager 1) engine - these are the basic 5hp-ish carbs with a brushed aluminum float bowl.
Well color me frustrated at these carbs leaking! I have replaced the needle seat, needle, bowl gasket and bowl-nut gasket and they just continue to leak. Now that I have vented I think the culprit is simply a crappy aftermarket rebuild kit from AmaXion. The old float bowl gaskets, although fully worn and broken, were just like a super big o-ring with a circular profile. The rebuild kit included a float bowl gasket like a ribbon or bracelet with a rectangular profile. I did notice that the float bowl would leak if tilted - fuel would leak from the gasket / seam area.
Also, unrelated suggestion:
With all the leaky carbs I got quickly tired of finessing the carb back onto the mower and buttoned it up with 12 different bolts just to find it was leaking again I had the good thought of finding an old gas jug from a mower. I mounted this gas "supply" to my workbench up about 1 foot off the surface to make it elevated. I ran a fuel shutoff and tubing. I could then, with the carb in my hand, turn on the gas and inspect for leaks. It saves me a bunch of aggravation for sure. I will even pull the float bowl and then press the floats up, turn on the fuel and make sure the float shuts off the supply when raised. I can even tell where in the range the bowl is adjusted to make sure it's not too high or low.
Anyhow, would you all concur that the gaskets on the aftermarket kits are garbage? I have some genuine rebuild kits on the way and I am anxious to see if they work.