Troy-Bilt Lawn Mower Model 11A-B2RQ711 S/N 1D117K02798
has Honda engine and engine cover states TB130 XP
My neighbor gave me this mower, as he hadn't used it in years as he's replaced his grass with rocks. I added gas, cleaned the air filter, started it up and it runs good. However, he rigged up a home-engineered safety control cable, which does work. I tried to look up part number and got quite confused about the control cable part number.
Basically, the Troy-Bilt site seems to state 946-04670 (or 946-04670A) for the cable, and I also see 946-04661A, so I'm really confused. The 946-04670A seems to be 3 times as expensive as the 946-04661A, and I hate having to get wrong part and do returns....thanks.
PartSmart say use 946-04661A for both the 2017 and 2018 models.
Basically the 04670 cable is 13.65 longer than the housing and the 04661 cable is 13.42 longer than the housing.
Both cables has Z bends on both ends. And cable mounts are the same on both cables.
From the MTD official dealer site it appears that the 946-04670(A)(B) wasn't used on any models post 2013
I can't even find a 946-04170 part listed so what are the specs for it? So I can setup a SKU record here for it.
I mistyped. It should of be 946-04670. I have corrected my previous post
Thank you StarTech for the answer and clarification.
I had downloaded PDF document MTD Form No. 769-05383 (May 13, 2010); shows on pp. 40-41 part 34, as 946-04670 (pages 2 and 3 on the truncated file I've attached).
Troy-Bilt parts list TB130 edited 2.pdf
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You got realize that you have a 2017 mower in front of you so a 2010 IPL is no good; unless, it is a 2007 model. But what 1 am finding none was built in 2007 with exact model number you posted.
You got realize that you have a 2017 mower in front of you so a 2010 IPL is no good; unless, it is a 2007 model. But what 1 am finding none was built in 2007 with exact model number you posted.