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Changing a Carburetor




Hi there, just wondering if anyone out there online could give me a few hints/directions on changing a carburetor on a Briggs&Stratton-500 series,I never attempted this before so any info welcomed.

Thanking ye in advance,Jim.




With due respect, removing a carb is not hard. If you see it as difficult, what leads you to believe that it must be changed in the first place? Your post was short on information, and I can not assume anything.




Hi there, just wondering if anyone out there online could give me a few hints/directions on changing a carburetor on a Briggs&Stratton-500 series,I never attempted this before so any info welcomed.

Thanking ye in advance,Jim.

I believe you are referring to the plastic pulsa prime carb that sits on top of the fuel tank. If so, here's how it comes off.

Remove the two bolts holding it to the engine block. The long rear one is a 1/2" and the short one on the front of the engine is 3/8". The carb and fuel tank can now be slid off the breather tube. There should be a plastic ring and a rubber O ring that should stay inside the back of the carb. Disconnect the linkage from the carb by tilting the carb down till the linkage Z bend comes out of the hole. The carb and fuel tank should now be separated from the engine. Remove 5 screws and the carb can be lifted from the tank. That's about it!




I believe you are referring to the plastic pulsa prime carb that sits on top of the fuel tank. If so, here's how it comes off.

Remove the two bolts holding it to the engine block. The long rear one is a 1/2" and the short one on the front of the engine is 3/8". The carb and fuel tank can now be slid off the breather tube. There should be a plastic ring and a rubber O ring that should stay inside the back of the carb. Disconnect the linkage from the carb by tilting the carb down till the linkage Z bend comes out of the hole. The carb and fuel tank should now be separated from the engine. Remove 5 screws and the carb can be lifted from the tank. That's about it!

Thank you very much for that..precise and to the point.Ordered my new carb and arriving on friday, go raibh maith agat - Thank you(Irish).




Thank you very much for that..precise and to the point.Ordered my new carb and arriving on friday, go raibh maith agat - Thank you(Irish).

Your welcome. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: When you separate the carb from the tank there will be a rubber diaphragm between the two and under the diaphragm inside the base of the carb there will be a small spring and a round ring. Make sure you put those back under the new carb. Good luck!!




With due respect, removing a carb is not hard. If you see it as difficult, what leads you to believe that it must be changed in the first place? Your post was short on information, and I can not assume anything.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply and I suppose that if I had already changed a carb I would not be asking such a silly question,I do see your point,but I do not know if it is difficult or not and do you know why?...because I have never changed one before and hence that is why I posted my query,but I can tell you that the carb does need to be changed...the lawnmower repair man told me so when I brought my mower to his shop,and I decided to fix it myself when he told me he had a backlog of 2 weeks for repairs. So ... there you have it,all the information as I do, AND....my next post will be ....longer,keep smiling and have a feckin' great day, slan leat agus go raibh maith agat -(bye and thank you very much).




Your welcome. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: When you separate the carb from the tank there will be a rubber diaphragm between the two and under the diaphragm inside the base of the carb there will be a small spring and a round ring. Make sure you put those back under the new carb. Good luck!!

Ooops, I made an error there. There is a small spring below the carb but it normally stays attached to the carb so you shouldn't have to worry about that. There IS NOT a small ring under there to worry about. I was thinking about another carb. Good luck with your project.
