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can someone explain this to me? Fuel injected boat motor




Nevermind. I found it. Video at the bottom.

Here's some snips of a conversation I'm having with another fella somewhere else on the internet, I can't figure out what kind of 2 stroke he's got. And how this is mixing the fuel. All i've ever heard off is mixing fuel and oil together, then injecting it into the cylinder. But It seems his engine injects oil and gas separately?

One of us doesn't know what we're talking about. And I'm thinking it's me.

I have a 2 stroke ETech Evinrude, the cleanest thing I've ever been around on water. It has the European 2 designation, there is 1 cleaner yet. Fuel and oil injection really cleaned them up.

A cleaner jet? I don't understand that. And can't find anything on "cleaner jets."

Me again:
Oh, You said cleaner "yet," not jet. I still don't get it. But ok.

Euro 3 is cleaner than Euro 2. Apparently, some companies are still buying 2 strokes but I'm not seeing those around here. One of the boats we rented in PA had oil tanks on it.

Oil tanks? For a 2 stroke? What's it oiling?

Him: There is no sump or crankcase on the 2 strokes. I've not had any problems with it yet. There is an oil tank on the motor.

an oil tank is pretty much a sump. Unless it's oiling some gears for the prop. That's probably what it is. Some extra oil for something other than the engine.

First one I had was a motorcycle, the oil is injected into the intake air. Boat motor is the same way. It uses very little oil, btw. There is a setting to fog the engine for storage, where it injects extra oil before shutting down.

So it mixes in the carburetor. Not premixed in the fuel tank?
That's wild. I've never heard of that. I looked for a carburetor diagram of this engine, but couldn't find anything.
So I'm only guess here. But it's got a fuel line and an oil line going to the carburetor?

Electronic fuel and oil injection. No carb.




Good info.. (y)




I have worked on several mini-bikes and ATV 2 strokes over the years that have a separate oil tank with a mechanical oil pump that injects the oil into the intake post carb.




I steer clear of the Fuel injected stuff.




I work a lot of 2 stroke stuff and OLD outboards . The carbureted engines have a couple different oil injection methods and they all have their issues. The early ones just mixed at 50:1 so no premixing. Next came variable rate injection which went from about 120:1 at idle to 50:1 at WOT. Early ones had a habit of stopping and burning up engines. Lots of folks removed it and just premixed. Later ones worked much better. I don't touch the fuel injected stuff. From what I have read Evinrude had a lot of issues with the Etech engines and stopped production in 2020. My 1978 Evinrude 90 still runs fine but a modern 200 gets better fuel economy since mine is crossflow and not loop charged induction and ECM controlled.
