Everything can be brought back to life, depending on how much time, money and patience you have.
PS. I like how those rear tire wheel weights are mounted on the Toro Z.
Probably going to cost the guy $1-2k to get it running.
i say it takes a 10lb hammer
So far most of a can of PB Blaster and lots of use of the induction heater bolt buster and an impact wrench.
This is 6th or 7th one of these i have got running for a guy. He collects odd and rare lawn tractors and they have always been setting for years. He takes them to shows and drives them around for a few minutes and parks them for display. I am already $500 into this one and haven't even looked at the wisconsin engine or the starter generator or the wiring. He has more waiting on me.
Thanks much and they are coming down but still multi hundreds of dollars. That is one on the lower end of the price range so I am looking more and more! Maybe Harbor Freight will come out with a version?
Sorry for the off topic questions?
Does it work as advertised? Any complaints?
It works pretty well. It is good on nuts and stuff like that. but on bigger stuff a torch with a rosebud is better.