Craig, Craig... settle.
I am reading you are Texan, and, from my experience -as the Duke would drawl -
" an ornery bunch with iron backbones, tread lightly pilgrim". So it is I post only
to make the following two points. Riskin' maybe a 'ban' on the site.
Being a Queenslander...?.. like I could give a toss...heh.
You, Craig, wrote;
"First, I'd like to apologize for calling you an A-hole"
Rule is.. never apologise to arseholes posting into these "blogs".
More so trigger happy dumb arseholes, Walt never _read_ your post.
And he aint gunna apologise for not reading it before opening his yap.
These "blogs" pretend to be about help but in reality they are a mini editorial
stage for the egocentric. Nothing deeper than that.
You will always get "mine is bigger than yours" and "mine never does that"
cobbled together under a rabble of slow minded passive aggressive blah blah.
To participate and get any worth it is necessary to do a LOT of reading
in finding the good guys, ignoring the arseholes.
And the good guys are getting scarcer on the ground as each year passes by.
Take THAT to the Bank
Craig, you then ask;
"Again, any useful ideas".... time - and it will happen again- next time, walk...and get a tow.
I do, and I own significant mobiltiy disability
As wrote in my opening post there is nought more you can do for this
machine. Now I know it was hot when the incident occured I will offer
the engine is definitely broken.
Only your shop can help you.
But hopefully the experience in the field, and in this forum, will build on
your lessons in "what not to do".
...mind how you go, an' stay safe.