will fire and run for about 5 min then putters out. after that will not fire until I guess it cools down. has 2 chokes, inner and outer. outer choke controlled by spring loaded round thing off of exhaust. I assume that is controlled by temp? I took out flap on it (effectively deleting it), no change in symptom. any good ideas out there???????
" 2 chokes" what, never seen one with two chokes...! before you take anything apart, always know what you are doing, only good advice I can give you is, find yourself a manual and read it.
Sounds like a 650 or 675 series with ready start.
Its got one choke and one throttle.
Either carb needs a good clean or thermostat is sticking.
Try carb clean 1st.
Op thinks the throttle plate and choke plate is the same as in 2 chokes ???
Yes I know, its just that they have to know something about an engine before pulling it apart.
They also need to put up model numbers so we have a clue as to what they are talking about!!!!!