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Briggs and Stratton Engine



Dave in va

Good Afternoon,
I am sorry to interrupt, but I wasn't able to find a Generator Forum. If someone can help me find one, that would be great and I will go there. But as long as I AM here, I bought a 2500 kw portable generator with a 5 HP Briggs and Stratton engine and I am trying to identify it. I can not locate any numbers on the engine and I have several pictures to help.
If anyone can direct me to the right forum, or offer any other assistance, I would be, again, Grateful.

Thanks for your time.




Yeah, put up some pics, at least we can help on the engine. What is the trouble???



Dave in va

Hi, Fish, Well, when I got it, it wasn't running. the guy I got it from said that if he sprayed starter fluid in the carb, it would run, then die. So, I took off the carb cleaned it and got it running. But I don't know what the set up is for the throttle control, I would like to replace all the springs, and rods, etc. When I tried to clean the air filter, it just crumbled in my hands. The heat shield has one of the support tabs broken, and is held in place on top with a WOOD SCREW through the exhaust pipe!! Anyway, as you can see, if just needs some TLC. And I want to make sure I get the right parts. Ok, attached the pics. I think.





Pry up the clamps across the top and move the fuel line, under there hopefully is the engine's numbers.




Scratch that, just unbolt and remove the top cover, the numbers are on there somewhere.



Dave in va

If you are talking about the one over the cyl head, I have had it off. no numbers. The only cover I couldn't get off is the one that wraps around the upper cylinder head. The small bolt backs out against the generator housing. I added three new photos depicting this.





I suspect the model number tag is supposed to be attached above the starter in those two holes. should be riveted right there.



Dave in va

Thanks for responding, ILENGINE. When I went to the B&S website as I started this search, they say that the Model Number, Code, etc are etched on a metal part of the engine, so that it would always be able to be found. But I guess NOTHING is permanent. So, would there be ANYPLACE on the engine that they (B&S) would put it in addition to the riveted plate? Maybe INSIDE a cover, or on the bottom of the casing?




im new here and need help navigating on here and how to post and get back to a post that i made earlier cant find it. any ways im trying to get a 24 hp briggs model 445677 type 0476 e1 to stop over reving. put in a new valve push rod and it started fine except for the reving the inside gov. when i had it open looked good but im not the best of mechanics so any help would be great.




Dave in va

Sorry, Justbill. I am not a small engine mechanic, or for that matter, an expert on this forum as I am also learning my way around. But I found if you click on the "My Home" icon at the top, then "subscribed threads" radio button on the right, half way down the screen, it will take you to your thread. then click on the original message you sent to see responses. I think. Maybe. Could be.




I think a complete disasemble is in order. Firstly to see the condition of parts. Take all the removable parts off except the head. Hiding somewhere is a model num. This will give you the chance to see how abused this thing really is



Dave in va

Thanks Exotion for responding. I was debating the disassemble idea but was hoping to know what Model/Serial number etc it is prior to doing that. Because, as MURPHY is my assistant, something will break and I won't know what the part number is.

So, moving on from the ID phase could anyone help me with the arrangement of the throttle and choke rods/springs or is that, perhaps, model specific?



Dave in va

Anyone have any ideas how to identify this thing?




Anyone have any ideas how to identify this thing?

Hi Dave,

I know the Industrial plus series well as we manufactured generators with them back in the 90s.

The Model, Type and Code used to on an aluminum tag which was riveted to the blower housing as mentioned previously in this thread. From my experience with this engine series you wont find it anywhere else on the engine.

A common generator model and type you could use as a guide (parts may differ depending on date of manufacture) is 133442 0038-03.

Hope that helps!



Dave in va

Hi Dave,

I know the Industrial plus series well as we manufactured generators with them back in the 90s.

The Model, Type and Code used to on an aluminum tag which was riveted to the blower housing as mentioned previously in this thread. From my experience with this engine series you wont find it anywhere else on the engine.

A common generator model and type you could use as a guide (parts may differ depending on date of manufacture) is 133442 0038-03.

Hope that helps!

Thanks LawnmowerJustin,
At least I have a number to put in at the B&S website. I appreciate your time and suggestion.
