I have a mower I am trying to revive and get running. I bought it running but after using it i found it was running it seemed full throttle and shaking like crazy that it hurt my hands to use. In all the shaking I lost some screws out of the flywheel cover and the coil wire jumped out of its groove and was severed by the cover. So in order to try to fix the original throttle issue I had to replace the coil. I ordered a new one but I don't think i have the right part. The dead one had just the coil wire and tab to clip on the ground wire. The new one I have has the coil wire, a black wire like the ground and a third bare copper wire. I tried to install what I had and couldn't get it to run. I don't think it is even giving spark. What I want to know is if there is a way to get the new part that seems to be wrong to work anyway before I spend more money on the correct part. My motor is the 10t502 0457 b1.