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Boy don't suggest someone to put down their phone...




I was at Kroger earlier today when the customer in front was struggling unloading the cart. I notice he had a phone in one hand which was limiting what he could pickup. I suggested putting the phone down for bit until he got cart unloaded. He went ballistic. Just acted like I attacked him so just walk away with him screaming at me. Besides I didn't want to do the paperwork. He didn't realize I was carrying my .357 with hollow points.

Come to find out he was running delivery service but with that attitude I surely would not be using him. Besides grocery are high enough don't need to paying someone to pick up and delivery them.

Personally I was always told guys with this attitude usually have a wife or girlfriend on the rag.




Drugs and / or Alcohol will do that ..

But don't smoke is all we see / hear on the public media for the last 30 years or so . .




I was at Kroger earlier today when the customer in front was struggling unloading the cart. I notice he had a phone in one hand which was limiting what he could pickup. I suggested putting the phone down for bit until he got cart unloaded. He went ballistic. Just acted like I attacked him so just walk away with him screaming at me. Besides I didn't want to do the paperwork. He didn't realize I was carrying my .357 with hollow points.

Come to find out he was running delivery service but with that attitude I surely would not be using him. Besides grocery are high enough don't need to paying someone to pick up and delivery them.

Personally I was always told guys with this attitude usually have a wife or girlfriend on the rag.

Funny, he wasn't needing to talk on the phone while he was balling you out. His conversation must not have been that important.




I was at Kroger earlier today when the customer in front was struggling unloading the cart. I notice he had a phone in one hand which was limiting what he could pickup. I suggested putting the phone down for bit until he got cart unloaded. He went ballistic. Just acted like I attacked him so just walk away with him screaming at me. Besides I didn't want to do the paperwork. He didn't realize I was carrying my .357 with hollow points.

Come to find out he was running delivery service but with that attitude I surely would not be using him. Besides grocery are high enough don't need to paying someone to pick up and delivery them.

Personally I was always told guys with this attitude usually have a wife or girlfriend on the rag.
Honestly if I was balling someone out and they walked away it would really p'ed me off. You did right thing...
We're seeing more and more this everyday of people that just can't keep their mouth tamed down..from being on an airplane, a walk on the street to the kids school functions...ect....




The real question is did he have a man bun?




The real question is did he have a man bun?
I had to Quack Quack this one...But the answer is no, just one hell of an invisible chip on his shoulder.
Honestly if I was balling someone out and they walked away it would really p'ed me off. You did right thing...
We're seeing more and more this everyday of people that just can't keep their mouth tamed down..from being on an airplane, a walk on the street to the kids school functions...ect....
I could tell if it did p'ed him off more. I just didn't feel like doing the dang paperwork.




I had to Quack Quack this one...But the answer is no, just one hell of an invisible chip on his shoulder.

I could tell if it did p'ed him off more. I just didn't feel like doing the dang paperwork.

You did the right thing. Catching a charge over someone & their phone wouldn't be worth it. But, if you'd have played your cards right, you might be due a settlement.







How things change for the worse . Now when their cell rings privacy is mandatory , if they are setting down they're up outta that chair like it caught fire and into another room . We were on a party line when i was a kid and if the phone rang everyone listened , including all of the inquisitive neighbor ladies .
Buy the way , our oak phone on the wall No. was 2,5,1,F3 . That is 2 shorts - 1 long - 2 shorts .
I can Xplain that to you kids if necessary .:ROFLMAO:




Its all me generation now and no respect for others.




How things change for the worse . Now when their cell rings privacy is mandatory , if they are setting down they're up outta that chair like it caught fire and into another room . We were on a party line when i was a kid and if the phone rang everyone listened , including all of the inquisitive neighbor ladies .
Buy the way , our oak phone on the wall No. was 2,5,1,F3 . That is 2 shorts - 1 long - 2 shorts .
I can Xplain that to you kids if necessary .:ROFLMAO:

My aunts was two longs and a short. IIRC




How things change for the worse . Now when their cell rings privacy is mandatory , if they are setting down they're up outta that chair like it caught fire and into another room . We were on a party line when i was a kid and if the phone rang everyone listened , including all of the inquisitive neighbor ladies .
Buy the way , our oak phone on the wall No. was 2,5,1,F3 . That is 2 shorts - 1 long - 2 shorts .
I can Xplain that to you kids if necessary .:ROFLMAO:
Party lines were fun... We had the town gossiper on our line. I listened in occasionally. It was hilarious!




In the 80's my wife's little town in west BFE still had manual long distance billing through the operator till General Telephone was consumed by Ohio Bell.
You had to tell the local operator what your number was and the long distance number you were calling and she timed the call and wrote it down. Operator went home at 8:00 PM. Everthing outside the town of 900 people was long distance. System didn't support touch tone phones either.




Back in the day, there was a lot of collect calls made from "adababyitsaboy."
Operator: Do you accept the charges?




Back out of the Horsepital... Major fluid retention cause a lock in afib rate of 200 bpm. They ended up having to shock me to get me out of it. Now got to get new meds. Thanks that I don't have to get the Eliquis as I already got a supply. $535 per month pills.

And I hated those party lines. Never could pickup the phone to make a business call without someone quacking all day. And had to do everything on the QT.




Asking people in my generation to put their phones down… good luck lol. Heck even my 63 year old dad freaks out when he can’t have his phone.




This is what I don't get. People with cell phones think they are going to die if they don't the phone. My lord that they have voice mail. But I got admit most of those will not even setup their voice mails.

Now the phone is good in case of a medical emergency as most people are scared to death to let someone use their phones.

But please people have some common sense and respect for others.




Someone's going to create an app for phones that allows THE PHONE to find it's owner. lol
It's the same as the find your phone app. Just marketed differently to make it sound easier.




I was at Kroger earlier today when the customer in front was struggling unloading the cart. I notice he had a phone in one hand which was limiting what he could pickup. I suggested putting the phone down for bit until he got cart unloaded. He went ballistic. Just acted like I attacked him so just walk away with him screaming at me. Besides I didn't want to do the paperwork. He didn't realize I was carrying my .357 with hollow points.

Come to find out he was running delivery service but with that attitude I surely would not be using him. Besides grocery are high enough don't need to paying someone to pick up and delivery them.

Personally I was always told guys with this attitude usually have a wife or girlfriend on the rag.
Did the generation not learn the "Hold on, let me put down the phone. Ill be back in a second..."???
